The easy care

A riding ground with flood system, a complex drainage system, a drainage layer from lava and a tread layer from the “green sand”.

The irrigation can take place completely automatically (optional) or through visual control and thus manually. Excess surface water will be conducted through a special drainage, through which the water level will also be regulated.

The strength of the tread layer will be adjusted, depending on the discipline, through the height of the water level in the drainage.

The maintenance of an ebb & flow ground is simple, since, in case of a slope, such as for example for a riding ground, no major consideration is required, with regard to the surface drainage principle. Thanks to our experience, almost no additional water is needed for irrigation. If yes, it will only be in a reduced quantity.

We can gladly provide you with a free and non-binding offer. Please enquire here:de S

Additional courses:

Outside courses version A

Outside courses version B

Lunge arena/paddock

ystem, einer Dränschicht aus Lava und einer Tretschicht aus


  • All-natural product
  • Guaranteed without aggregates
  • For all disciplines
  • The original
  • 30 years of experience
  • More than 2000 courses

Cavallo zusammen




„Der grüne Sand“ GmbH & Co. KG
Peter Wernke
Am Voßberg 14
D-49451 Holdorf

Phone +49 (0) 5492 77 07
Fax +49 (0) 5492 7727
Mobil +49 (0) 171  528 28 04
E-Mail: info@der-gruene-sand.de